“Gothel and Rapunzel” explores the complex dynamic between Lady Gothel and Rapunzel and the psychology and emotion behind their relationship. Lucy was interested in the nurturing, maternal nature of Gothel’s sole responsibility over Rapunzel’s protection and care and the intimacy and dependency brought on by her being Rapunzel’s only companion and how this conflicts with the disturbing level of control she exerts. The series focuses on the original Grimm’s version of the story in which Lady Gothel discovers that Rapunzel has been seeing the prince because she becomes pregnant and innocently asks for new clothing, as she is growing bigger. Lucy looks at the shift in dynamics that the pregnancy brings and also the emotions surrounding it – Lady Gothel’s intense jealousy and despair at the loss of Rapunzel’s innocence and Rapunzel’s confusion and ignorance of what pregnancy actually is due to her isolation in the tower. The series also explores the sexual undertones insinuated by Gothel’s desire for absolute possession of the beautiful, pure Rapunzel and also the fleeting nature of beauty and youth as it slips through the generations. The images also explore the fragility and loneliness shared by both women and the idea of longing for something unobtainable.